Construction is optionally available to meet IP65, IP67, USDA, & NSF Food Zone/Non-Food Contact requirements. Fixtures in this category are physically located in food preparation and handling areas but do not come in contact with the food under normal conditions.
Constructed of single piece, nom 6.625” x 4.906” x nom 2’, 4’, or 8’ molded FRP fiberglass reinforced polyester containing multiple embossments for rigidity and mounting flexibility.
UL 5VA rated A poured one piece neoprene gasket Code gauge cold rolled steel gear tray.
A molded one piece f1 rated UV stabilized polycarbonate clear lightly ribbed diffuser is standard. DR acrylic is available.
U.L. and CUL listed and I.B.E.W. Union made. Optional IP65, IP67, USDA, or NSF configured.
Please refer to this important » Knowledge Base Article regarding installation instructions for this product.
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Please Note:
- Fixtures are U.L. listed and l.B.E.W. Union made.
 - Many fixtures can be configured to meet Federal/State/Local/ and Utility Rebate Program Requirements.
 - Units can be manufactured in a variety of materials like steel, aluminum, or extruded aluminum, and may include: customized reflectors/shielding, special mounting, ballasting, and lamping arrangements, self contained emergency lighting, motion sensors, and many other options and accessories. If this is not the exact item or configuration you need, Please
» Contact Crownlite.
 - Information supplied may change without notice. Consult factory for verification, samples, and minimum quantities.