Our EX-SL-3573IW series is just one concept we offer from our extensive line of the finest quality extruded products in the lighting industry.
Most Styles are available in Direct/Direct-Indirect/or Indirect light distributions, and can be designed for Surfaced/Pendant/Cable/ or Wall mounting. If you do not see the exact style you need, please ask. We can produce virtually any combination of style, distribution, and mounting you may need.
We can also provide any finish from basic white, to any color or texture of powder coat, to highly specular bright dipped chrome anodized. Even military grade quality.
Please look over the 10 page PDF below to get an overview of the many styles and configurations available. Product and Project specific cut sheets are available on request from the factory.
- Round
- Soft Square
- Square
- Oval
- Ellipses
- Octagonal
- Desiger
- Scallops
- Step Lites
- Vectors
- Frames
- Hardware
For quick and accurate quoting, please refer to the following important Knowledge Base Article >> Extruded Lighting Products Come in Many Flavors - RFQ Checklist for Extruded luminaires which provides a form for you to use in communicating the exact style and configuration needs.
Once you are viewing a PDF page in your browser, you can save it to your computer, Print it out, or attached it to an Email.
 » Catalog / Data Page - View, Save, or Print (PDF)
For photometric information on this product please » Contact Crownlite

Please Note:
- Fixtures are U.L. listed and l.B.E.W. Union made.
 - Many fixtures can be configured to meet Federal/State/Local/ and Utility Rebate Program Requirements.
 - Units can be manufactured in a variety of materials like steel, aluminum, or extruded aluminum, and may include: customized reflectors/shielding, special mounting, ballasting, and lamping arrangements, self contained emergency lighting, motion sensors, and many other options and accessories. If this is not the exact item or configuration you need, Please
» Contact Crownlite.
 - Information supplied may change without notice. Consult factory for verification, samples, and minimum quantities.