Clean Room Surfaced Mounted Tear Drop

This surfaced mounted laminar flow teardrop-shaped fluorescent is designed expressly for clean-rooms, laboratories, and other critical environments where laminar flow air filtration is employed.

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Clean Room Surfaced Mounted Tear Drop

Please Note:
  • Fixtures are U.L. listed and l.B.E.W. Union made.
  • Many fixtures can be configured to meet Federal/State/Local/ and Utility Rebate Program Requirements.
  • Units can be manufactured in a variety of materials like steel, aluminum, or extruded aluminum, and may include: customized reflectors/shielding, special mounting, ballasting, and lamping arrangements, self contained emergency lighting, motion sensors, and many other options and accessories. If this is not the exact item or configuration you need, Please
    » Contact Crownlite.
  • Information supplied may change without notice. Consult factory for verification, samples, and minimum quantities.

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CROWNLITE MFG. CORP. 1546 Ocean Ave., Bohemia, L.I., N.Y. 631.589.9100, Fx 631.589.4584
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